Please Start Booking Your Appointment Here by Selecting the Appointment Type Below
Looking for the Same day or Next Day Appointment?
Select Appointment type below for these options
Disclaimer: Same-day and next-day bookings are subject to availability and limited slots. Please note that not all doctors offer this option. We recommend calling the clinic directly to confirm availability and make arrangements.
Same day and next day appointments are not for annual Physicals. Please click on the appropriate link as there is a separate form for each type of appointment
Booking Your Appointment Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
Select Appointment Type: Choose whether you want an in-person or phone appointment.
Note: Not all doctors offer phone appointments, and some may need to be booked directly by the doctor or the secretary.
If you’re unsure, please call the clinic to confirm if your doctor offers phone appointments.
Complete the Form: You will be redirected to another window to fill out the booking form.
Carefully read the instructions provided.
Select or type in the reason for your appointment. This helps the doctor understand your needs in advance.
Select Appointment Date and Time.
Pick your preferred appointment date and time.
A summary of your appointment will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
To make changes, simply select a different date and time.
Finalize Booking: Click Book Appointment to complete your booking.
You will receive a confirmation message that your appointment was successfully booked.
A text and email confirmation will also be sent to you.
Got questions about booking online?
Find quick answers to make your experience seamless
What is an After Hours CareAfter-hours care offers medical assistance outside regular clinic hours, typically during evenings, weekends, or holidays, for non-emergency needs that can't wait until the next day. This service addresses issues like minor injuries, illnesses, or prescription refills, helping patients avoid unnecessary emergency room visits. By providing timely care and referrals when needed, after-hours care ensures that patients can access medical support at convenient times, promoting continuity of care even beyond standard hours.
Who is eligible for the After Hours Care?After-hours care is typically available to patients who are rostered and active at Malvern, with a valid Ontario health card. ​ A rostered patient is someone enrolled with a specific doctor or clinic for primary care, agreeing to receive most of their medical services there. This arrangement promotes continuity and helps clinics prioritize care for these patients.
Can I see my family doctor?For after-hours care, you may not always see your own doctor, as after-hours services are often provided by other doctors available at that time. However, your medical records will be available to ensure continuity of care. If it’s urgent, they will assist you as needed, and your regular doctor will follow up during office hours.
Why should I avoid the walk-in?Avoiding walk-in clinics is often recommended because they may not provide continuity of care. At walk-in clinics, you may see a different doctor each time, which can lead to a lack of personalized care and incomplete knowledge of your medical history. For ongoing health concerns or regular check-ups, seeing your own rostered doctor ensures consistent and coordinated care, as they are familiar with your medical history and treatment plan. Additionally, your doctor can better track your health progress and provide more tailored advice and follow-ups.